Another land vs. air combat here - this one seeing the bird not take full advantage of his wings, choosing instead to paste the fox in the fat face with a clawed talon.
This poor dog is getting owned so hard. Look at his face. It's like the whole cruel unfairness of the world just came into sharp focus and bit him on the arm.
Hey, man! Don't get blood on the fur!
Sweet lion brawl here - either that, or they're doing the Milli Vanilli chest bump. I really hope they're not, that would make lions, as a concept, way less cool.
This may be the most epic animal battle shot of all time. Look at that picturesque background! The look on the dog's face! The intense motion blur on the cat's arm! If this were the opening shot of a movie, it would be the greatest movie ever made.
Everybody thinks hippopotamuses are just big fat jolly swimming chumps, but really they have some of the worst tempers in the animal kingdom. These guys are fighting because they can't agree on the best Dave Matthews Band song.
This is sort of a one-sided battle, but I'd encourage this frog not to give up - you could maybe kick the snake in the uvula. Do snakes have uvulas? I'm not going to Wikipedia that.
Tigers have some of the most stylish fights in the animal kingdom. These guys are like eleventh degree Wing Chun black belts.
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